Change Starts With Your Voice

Unlock Your Inner Artist: Every person is an artist; every artist is a revolutionary.

We can transform the world through our voices, day after day.

Our artistic potential, is intricately woven into the depths of each human experience.

Performance training is a journey into those complexities, because anything that makes us human can also make us great artists.

Be vocal. Be loud. Be proud.

D. P. Verdigris

Voice coach, vocal researcher and performer, he began his artistic studies while still a teenager.

Specialized in the EVTS vocal method and NLP Certified Master Practitioner, he gravitates in the artistic field as an actor and theater trainer, translator of the playwright Matei Visniec, voice researcher (Grotowski Institute, Giving Voice) and voice expert and judge for several Italian organizations.

He developed his own vocal method based on psycho-emotional release processes linked to the physiological acts of breathing and phonating, then summarized in the book "Natural Born Singers - a guide for singers". In 2014 he is asked to talk about his work as an element of innovation as a TEDx speaker.